Welcome to AIEA the Association of Irish Energy Agencies
The Association of Irish Energy Agencies was established to provide a networking and support platform for all Irish Energy Agencies and Local Authority Energy Officers across Ireland. The main role of the association is to help individual energy agencies to deliver energy savings across each county.
Bringing together representatives from Irish local authorities who are responsible for energy related issues and support the promotion of energy efficiency. Our shared aim is to reduce energy consumption within the Local Authorities. We also actively promote and encourage the energy transition across all sectors of society, and to contribute to sustainable development in Ireland.
Ireland has a high dependency on fossil fuels, mostly relying on imported gas and oil to meet with energy requirements. Climate change requires immediate and urgent actions to reduce our carbon emissions and minimise our reliance on fossil fuels. The government, within EU and global frameworks, have set out targets to achieve the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable economy.
2030 national targets for Ireland are as follows:
In order to achieve these national targets, all Local Authorities have been tasked with leading by example. The Local Authorities have been set more ambitious targets for 2030, as follows: